Our non-flying facilities

Flying is important, but so too are the non-flying facilities.
Being a hill-top site, with almost a century of experience, we have developed our facilities to be amongst the best, most hospitable and warmest you’ll find.
John and Sylvia provide excellent catering at pub-beating prices. A hearty breakfast, midday sandwiches and a two-course dinner (we’re not posh, but we’ll fill you up), will set you up for the next day’s flying.
The accommodation has been refurbished recently, and combines gritstone farmhouse ruggedness with all mod cons, including heat, electric lights and bedding. You’ll be warm and dry at night, whatever the weather.
The bar is steeped in history, but if it’s booze you’re after, John ensures it is always well stocked, with a guest beer or two to keep it interesting. The courtyard is a natural suntrap for a gentle evening wind-down.
Our workshop is modern, large, and well equipped. Being the warmest place on the airfield, it makes a good resting place between jobs too.
On the airfield, the bus provides shelter, food and drinks, and access to the internet if you need it.
The simulator has a dedicated room in the club house, adjacent to the briefing room. It is built around a two-seater cockpit, with a three screen display, using Condor for realistic gliding simulation. As a visitor you may it useful to practise some local flying, or some of those BR tasks. It is an excellent training tool, especially if the weather isn’t co-operating.