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Local Tasks

Local Tasks

Fancy a little local competiton – or a helping hand?
Our Blake-Robertshaw (BR) tasks make a perfect itinery for learning about flying in and around the Peak District.
Aimed at developing our solo pilots, here’s a set of forty plus tasks, ranging from BR01, 13km around the Three Masts (all visible from the Launch Point), to a couple of Gold or Diamond goal tasks which will easily fill a summer’s afternoon.
The early tasks should all be in range, subject to the wave. These tasks provide fantastic views of the local area, and allow visitors to build confidence in flying locally, within touch of the airfield and local landable fields.
Task BR06 (41km) is a favourite, especially in a thermic SW’ly, taking you to Ladybower Reservoir with views up the Derwent valley and dams, along Froggatt Edge to Chatsworth House, before flying over Bakewell and on to Tideswell for a view of “The Cathedral of the North”, then turning for a downwind dash to Camphill.
The Task List provides details of each task. We have maps for each at the Launch Point (Available as a separate download).
The BR TPs have almost all been photographed by an intrepid explorer, and are provided in the Tasks Waypoints Document with tips on finding them.
The exceptions are The Three Masts, all of which can be seen from the Launch Point.